Annual Session of the Executive Board
24 June 2024
- 28 June 2024
10:00 / 18:00
Photos from the 2024 Annual Session of the Executive Board

In the photo: Ms. Cindy McCain, Executive Director United Nations World Food Programme and H.E. Mr. Youssef Balla, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Morocco and President of the WFP Executive Board 2024. Photo: WFP/Matteo Minnella

In the photo: H.E. Ms. Carla BARROSO CARNEIRO, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Brazil. Photo: WFP/Daria Addabbo

In the photo: intervention by H.E. Mr. Youssef Balla, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Morocco and President of the WFP Executive Board 2024. Photo: WFP/Matteo Minnella

In the photo: intervention by H.E. Mr. Satoshi SUZUKI, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, and Permanent Representative of Japan. Photo: WFP/Daria Addabbo

In the photo: intervention by H.E. Ms. Demitu HAMBISA BONSA, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary and Permanent Representative of Ethiopia. Photo: WFP/Daria Addabbo

In the photo: intervention by H.E. Mr. Youssef Balla, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Morocco and President of the WFP Executive Board 2024. Photo: WFP/Matteo Minnella

In the photo: intervention by H.E. Mr. Youssef Balla, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Morocco and President of the WFP Executive Board 2024. Photo: WFP/Matteo Minnella

In the photo: intervention by H.E. Mr. Youssef Balla, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Morocco and President of the WFP Executive Board 2024. Photo: WFP/Matteo Minnella

In the photo: intervention by Mr. Philip Ward, WFP Secretary to the Executive Board. Photo: WFP/Matteo Minnella

Intervention by the delegation of Finland. Photo: WFP/Matteo Minnella

Intervention by H.E. Ms. Céline Jurgensen, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of France. Photo: WFP/Matteo Minnella

Intervention by the delegation of Canada.
Photo: WFP/Matteo Minnella

Intervention by Mr. Philip Ward, Secretary to the Executive Board. Photo: WFP/Matteo Minnella

Intervention by the delegation of the United States of America. Photo: WFP/Daria Addabbo

Intervention by H.E. Mr. Mr. Tomás Alberto Duncan Jurado, Counsellor and Permanent Representative of Panama. Photo: WFP/Daria Addabbo

Intervention by the delegation of Venezuela. Photo: WFP/Daria Addabbo

Intervention by H.E. Mr. Youssef Balla, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Morocco and President of the WFP Executive Board 2024. Photo: WFP/Daria Addabbo

Intervention by H.E. Patricia Chisanga Kondolo, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Zambia. Photo: WFP/Matteo Minnella

Intervention by H.E. Mr. Youssef Balla, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Morocco and President of the WFP Executive Board 2024. Photo: WFP/Matteo Minnella

Intervention by H.E. Ms. Maria de Fatima Jardim, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Angola. Photo: WFP/Matteo Minnella

In the photo: intervention by H.E. Mr. Youssef Balla, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Morocco and President of the WFP Executive Board 2024. Photo: WFP/Daria Addabbo

In the photo: intervention by the delegation of Germany. Photo: WFP/Daria Addabbo

In the photo: intervention by Mr. Chris Nikoi, WFP Regional Director Western Africa. Photo: WFP/Matteo Minnella

In the photo (from Left to Right): - Ms. Deidre Walker, WFP Director Ethics - Ms. Meghan Latcovich, WFP Chief of Staff and Chair, Digital Business and Technology Committee. Photo: WFP/ Matteo Minnella

In the photo: H.E. Mr. Jeffrey Prescott, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the United States of America. Photo: WFP/ Matteo Minnella

Intervention by Ms. Rania Dagash Kamara, Assistant Executive Director (AED), Partnerships and Innovation. Photo: WFP/ Matteo Minnella

Participants listen to the intervention by Ms. Meghan Latcovich, WFP Chief of Staff. Photo: WFP/ Matteo Minnella

Intervention by H.E. Medi Moungui, Deputy Permanent Representative of Cameroon. Photo: WFP/ Matteo Minnella

Intervention by Ms. Aurore Rusiga, WFP country Director Lesotho. Photo: WFP/ Matteo Minnella

Intervention by the delegation of Kuwait. Photo: WFP/ Matteo Minnella

In the photo: intervention by the delegation of Senegal. Photo: WFP/ Matteo Minnella

In the photo: intervention by Ms. Cindy McCain, Executive Director United Nations World Food Programme. Photo: WFP/ Matteo Minnella

In the photo: intervention by the delegation of Cuba. Photo: WFP/Daria Addabbo

In the photo: intervention by Ms. Giorgia Testolin, WFP Country Director Nicaragua. Photo: WFP/Daria Addabbo

In the photo: intervention by H.E. Mr. Carlos Bernardo CHERNIAK, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Argentina. Photo: WFP/Daria Addabbo
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