
UNHRD - Brindisi

The WFP Executive Board on its annual visit to UNHRD Brindisi

An annual visit to UNHRD Brindisi provides an opportunity to showcase to the Executive Board delegation a key element of WFP’s emergency preparedness and response capacity and its enabling role

UNHRD - Brindisi

WFP Executive Board Visit to UNHRD, Brindisi, Italy

An Executive Board delegation visited UNHRD facilities in Brindisi on April 18. 

RBN, Kenya - The WFP Independent Oversight Advisory Committee goes to the field

From October 3-7, the Executive Board Secretariat and WFP Independent Oversight Advisory Committee held its regular meeting in Nairobi and visited WFP operations in Kenya.

Highlights from “Breaking down silos to address a moment of historical crisis: Pathways to more integrated programming, funding and implementation”

A high-level event held on 16 November during the second regular session of the WFP Executive Board.

What to look out for at the 2019 Second Regular Session

From 18 to 21 November, the Executive Board will convene for its 2019 second regular session. 

EB Field Visits

Executive Board field visit in Bangladesh

For 2019 (19-25 October) the Executive Board Bureau undertook its annual field visit to view WFP operations.

Joint Meeting of the Boards

Joint Meeting of Executive Boards in New York

Fostering the cooperation between UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS, UNICEF, UN-Women and WFP.

Celebrating the successful piloting of Global Action Model UN 2018

400 high school students learned about diplomacy and multilateralism.