From 18 to 21 November, the Executive Board will convene for its 2019 second regular session.
In a departure from the norm, the 2019 Second Regular Session will have a heavy policy focus and will examine a total of 37 documents for approval, consideration or information. Highlights include:
Six key policy documents:
- Private-Sector Partnerships and Fundraising Strategy (2020-2025);
- Revised Charter of the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) – the Board will approve the Charter for the first time since the function was created in 1995. The Charter increases the independence of the OIG and will allow for escalation of important matters to the Audit Committee and the Executive Board;
- Local and Regional Food Procurement Policy – the Board requested this long-awaited update to strengthen impact on the ground, in particular boosting local markets;
- Update on the Integrated Road Map – at this session the Board will consider proposals to revise delegations of authority before approving them in February 2010;
- Update on collaboration among the Rome-based agencies – the WFP Board Membership, which overlaps with the Memberships of FAO and IFAD, is seized with RBA collaboration and is intending to issue a cross-List statement. It will include two specific decision points related to a joint analysis or a feasibility study with FAO and IFAD on common oversight functions and strong Member State engagement in the preparations of the 2021 United Nations Food Systems Summit. It will also include convening a first planning meeting in December 2021; and
- Update on WFP’s implementation of United Nations General Assembly resolution 72/279 (repositioning the United Nations development system) which has been a regular feature on the Board session agenda since the launch of United Nations reform efforts.
The WFP Management Plan (2020-2022) details the operational requirements needed for addressing the continued complex and protracted humanitarian crises. This year’s plan includes a funding forecast of USD 7.45 billion for 2020 against operational requirements of USD 10.6 billion and proposes a Programme Support and Administrative (PSA) budget of USD 423.6 million. It also includes a USD 5 million critical corporate initiative on workplace culture and ethical climate to accelerate actions aimed at strengthening workplace culture and reinforcing behavioural standards following recommendations of the Joint Board/Management Working Group on Harassment, Sexual Harassment, Abuse of Power and Discrimination (see below).
One evaluation on Summary report on the evaluation of the WFP corporate (Level 3) emergency response in northeast Nigeria (2016–2018) and the associated Management response to the recommendations in the summary report on the evaluation of WFP’ s corporate (Level 3) emergency response in northeast Nigeria (2016–2018).
The Report of the Joint Board/Management Working Group on Harassment, Sexual Harassment, Abuse of Power and Discrimination will also be presented in the morning of the second day, to be followed by a close dialogue with the Executive Director which has been requested by the Bureau.
Eleven country strategic plans and two budget revisions for country strategic plans earlier approved – collectively the second highest number to be presented since the approval of the Integrated Road Map (IRM) in November 2016. In particular, seven country strategic plans for Djibouti, Eswatini, Iraq, Jordan, Mali, Niger, Sierra Leone – as well as four interim country strategic plans – Angola, Cuba, Turkey, and Caribbean (multi-country); and two country strategic plan budget revisions for Lebanon and Peru.
In addition, there will be three updates on:
- preparations for the 2021 United Nations Food Systems Summit (as noted above);
- the guidance on the United Nations sustainable development cooperation framework and common country analysis; and
- the Board field visit to Bangladesh which the Board President led from 19-24 October.
Here are the two more things to look out for:
1. Opening remarks by the Executive Director
Executive Director David Beasley will deliver a statement on current and future strategic issues facing WFP.
2. Side events, exhibitions and demos
A rich calendar of side events, exhibitions and demos will accompany the session. Background material is posted under the “Side Events and Exhibitions” tab, at the following link of the Executive Board website:
Monday, 18 November
- Launch and ribbon-cutting ceremony for the photographic exhibition “WFP and Partners Operationalizing Integrated Resilience Packages in the Sahel: Progress, Challenges and Opportunities” opens the week to increase attention on the Sahel and joint work aimed at increasing the resilience of the population. (Venue: Seed to Feed Area, 13:15-13:25)

- Switzerland and WFP Emergencies Division will present “Visualizing emergencies: featuring the work of Geospatial Support Unit and Geographical Information Systems (GIS)”. The event is an opportunity to learn about the important work conducted by WFP in the generation of spatial data and how it is applied in humanitarian work.(Venue: Aula I, Aula Delegatis, 13:25-14:45)
- Cultural event and reception hosted by the Permanent Representation of the People’s Republic of China to celebrate the 2019 Second Regular Session of the Executive Board. (Venue: Auditorium, upon close of Board session for cultural event, and Gazebo for reception with authentic Chinese cuisine)
Tuesday, 19 November
- The Netherlands and Private Partnerships and Fundraising Division will co-host “Partnering for Impact: the WFP – DSM Story” to feature the successful private sector collaboration between the Royal DSM and WFP, which began in 2007. (Venue: Aula I, Aula Delegatis, 8:30-9:45)
- The WFP Regional Bureau for West Africa event “WFP and Partners Operationalizing Integrated Resilience Packages in the Sahel: Progress, Challenges and Opportunities" will focus on the evolution of resilience efforts, as voiced by key stakeholders and spokespersons, primarily governments, regional institutions (G5), and partners, through a dual approach. (Venue: Auditorium, 13:15-14:45)
Wednesday, 20 November
- WFP Nutrition Division will host “Improving diets and nutrition in Niger and Mali” to reiterate WFP’s commitment to end all forms of malnutrition. (Venue: Aula I, Aula Delegatis, 8:30-9:45)
- WFP, the African Union, Canada and the Russian Federation event “Moving forward in partnership: Promoting an integrated school health and nutrition package” will stress the importance of innovative partnerships and an integrated package of school health and nutrition to contribute to the healthy development of children in school on the African continent. (Venue: Auditorium, 13:15-14:45)
Thursday, 21 November
- On digitalization, a Luxembourg side event, with the support of Mozambique, the Nippon Electric Company (NEC) Corporation and TEC, are holding a discussion with the Members of the Board on Data Responsibility in Humanitarian Action in the Digital Era, focusing on the evolution of the digital transformation, data responsibility and future steps. (Venue: Aula I, Aula Delegatis, 8:30-9:45)
- The WFP Regional Bureau for Southern Africa and WFP Zimbabwe Country Office event “Zimbabwe: Scaling Up the Triple Nexus in the Wake of an Unprecedented Humanitarian Response” will highlight the challenges faced by Zimbabwe which is experiencing the highest food insecurity levels over the last ten years and alert Board members on the need for immediate and further support. (Venue: Aula I, Aula Delegatis, 13:30-14:30)
Exhibitions and demos
- WFP Regional Bureau for West Africa photographic exhibition will accompany the session throughout the week: “WFP and Partners Operationalizing Integrated Resilience Packages in the Sahel: Progress, Challenges and Opportunities”.
- The Private Partnerships and Fundraising Division exhibition “Partnering for Impact: The Private Sector’s Role in Reaching SDG 2” supplements the “Partnering for Impact: The WFP-DSM Story” side event.(Venue: Red Tower Exhibition Area and ex-Commissary featuring Renault training truck)
- RBA Resilience Initiative: Strengthening Resilience in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Niger & Somalia. This is a Canada and Policy and Programme Division demo on the multi-year RBAs resilience initiative and it will focus on what has been highlighted in the FAO publication on the same subject.
- IT Emergency Preparedness and Response (TECF) demo on WFP’s joint response in Mozambique, highlighting the deployment of new tools including Drones and SHERP vehicles to help reach people in need of assistance.
- The Management Services Division demo features the updated Humanitarian Booking Hub platform, with new, optimized booking services being provided for the United Nations humanitarian community.
Visit the meeting webpage on the Executive Board's website to view all Agenda documents and parallel events. Follow the webcast as well not to miss the live event.