The Executive Board Bureau elected by the Board at each year’s First Regular Session is composed of one member and one alternate from each electoral List.
The primary function of the Executive Board Bureau is to ensure the effective and efficient functioning of the Executive Board.
This includes sharing of information and dialogue between List members and the Executive Board Secretariat. The Executive Board Bureau helps to achieve consensus among Lists and between Lists outside of formal sessions. It prepares and updates the Biennial Programme of Work, follows up on actions from Executive Board meetings, and is the contact point for members and observers and for the Executive Board Secretariat.
A note for the record is produced after each Executive Board Bureau meeting as an important tool to share information and keep Executive Board members updated on the work of the Bureau.

President H.E. Ms. Elissa GOLBERG. © WFP/Rein Skullerud

The 2025 Executive Board Bureau. From Left to Right: H.E. Mr. Fredrick Lusambili Matwang’a (Kenya, List A);Dr. Balaji JUJJAVARAPU (India, List B); H.E. Ms. Elissa GOLBERG (Canada, List D); Ms. Berioska Morrison Gonzalez (Dominican Republic, List C); Mr. Roman Diatka (Czechia, List E). © WFP/Rein Skullerud
President - H.E. Ms. Elissa GOLBERG - Bio
Vice-President - Ms. Berioska MORRISON GONZALEZ
List A Member - H.E. Mr. Fredrick Lusambili MATWANG’A
List B Member - Dr. Balaji JUJJAVARAPU
List E Member - Mr. Roman DIATKA
• List A - H.E. Ms. Patricia Chisanga KONDOLO (Zambia)
• List B - Ms. Manar Sabah Mouhammad AL-SABAH (Kuwait)
• List C - Mr. Vicente Amaral BEZERRA (Brazil)
• List D - H.E. Mr. Andreas VON BRANDT (Germany)
• List E - H.E. Mr. Zsolt BELÁNSZKY-DEMKÓ (Hungary)
Each year, the President should normally be replaced by the Vice-President. Annually, the President’s position should alternate between a Bureau member from lists A, B, or C, and a Bureau member from Lists D or E. Detailed arrangements for implementing that rotation is left to the electoral lists to finalize. Below is the 5-year rotation cycle of the President and Vice-President’s position, subject to the electoral lists’ finalization.
2025 | President: List D | Vice-President: List C |
2026 | President: List C | Vice-President: List E |
2027 | President: List E | Vice-President: List B |
2028 | President: List B | Vice-President: List D |