First regular session of the Executive Board

28 February 2022 - 03 March 2022
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Summary of the work of the Executive Board

Agenda item 1 - Adoption of the agenda

Agenda item 2 - Election of the Bureau and appointment of the Rapporteur

Agenda item 4 - Policy issues

WFP gender policy 2022
WFP evaluation policy 2022
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Agenda item 6 - Evaluation reports

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Agenda item 7 - Operational matters

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Agenda item 8 - Organizational and procedural matters

Agenda item 10 - Summary of the work of the 2021 second regular session of the Executive Board

Agenda item 11 - Verification of adopted decisions and recommendations

Tuesday, 1 March

African Union commitment to the School Meals Coalition: turning political commitment into concrete action 

Tuesday, 1 March
Political and Operational Ways to Safeguarding Humanitarian Action
Wednesday, 2 March
Partnering for Gender Equality & Food Security in conflicts and post conflict settings
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