Term of office relates to the standard three-year periods for which Member States are elected by ECOSOC (□) or FAO Council (●) respectively. Member States may stand down for one or two years within this period, offering their seat to another Member State.
Algeria was elected for 2006/2008. Upon election, Algeria indicated that they will occupy the seat in 2006 and will resign in favor of Sudan as from 2006. Sudan will then occupy the seat for the remainder of the term ( i.e. in 2007 and 2008).
Kuwait was elected for 2005/2007. Upon election, Kuwait resigned in favor of Thailand for 2005. At the end of 2005. Thailand in its turn resigned in favor of Kuwait. Kuwait will retrieve the seat as from1 January 2006 and will then occupy it for the remainder of the term ( i.e. in 2006 and 2007).
Guatemala replaces Nicaragua/El Salvador for the year 2006. El Salvador was elected for 2004/2006. At the end of 2004, El Salvador resigned in favor of Nicaragua for year 2005. At the end of 2005, Nicaragua in its turn resigned in favor of Guatemala who will occupy the seat for the remainder of the term (i.e. in 2006).