Third regular briefing on internal audit and investigation (covering Q2 2023 internal audit and investigation activities, as well as an OIG update on investigation activities in Ethiopia)

28 July 2023
11:00 / 12:30 - 14:00 / 15:30

11:00-12:30 Third regular briefing on internal audit and investigation (OIG update on investigation activities in Ethiopia) - (Restricted Session*)

14:00-15:30 Third regular briefing on internal audit and investigation (covering Q2 2023 internal audit and investigation activities) – Continued (Closed Session**)

* Access to the restricted session is limited to the Inspector General, the External Auditor and delegates from members and observers of the Board, whether in person or on Zoom.

** Access to the closed session is limited to the Inspector General, the External Auditor, delegates from members and observers of the Board, and senior WFP management by invitation, whether in person or on Zoom.

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