El mandato es el período de tres años para el cual los Estados Miembros son elegidos por el ECOSOC (□) o el Consejo de la FAO (●). Como se indica arriba, durante ese período los Estados Miembros pueden ceder su puesto por uno o dos años a otro Estado Miembro.
Brazil is occupying the rotating seat. The rotating seat is to be occupied by a country of: List A - Fist Term - 2000/2001/2002, List B - Second Term - 2003/2004/2005, List A - Third Term - 2006/2007/2008, and List C - Fourth Term - 2009/2010/2011.
Switzerland was elected for the term 2010/2011/2012. However following an agreement, Luxembourg resigned in favor of Spain effective 1 January 2011. Spain will occupy the seat for the remainder of the term.
Luxembourg was elected for the term 2010/2011/2012. However following an agreement, Luxembourg resigned in favor of Spain effective 1 January 2011. Spain will occupy the seat for the remainder of the term.