Asia and the Pacific Regional Programme Portfolio Presentation Showcasing Country Operations


In the context of the United Nations 2030 Agenda and to better respond to the needs of the United Nations Member States, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were launched in 2016.

WFP was one of the first United Nations agencies that decided to review its way of functioning and relevance in different parts of the world based on its global mandate to tackle hunger and malnutrition,as well as use its special role as the logistics arm of the United Nations and cluster lead or co-lead for food security, logistics and emergency telecommunications.

This review is particularly important in regions like Asia and the Pacific, where economic growth has accelerated in recent years. Moreover, most of the countries where WFP has had operations are already classified as middle income or are anticipated to enter that level within the next couple of years.


For more information and related documentation, visit the meeting page here.