الزيارة الميدانية التي قام بها المجلس التنفيذي للبرنامج إلى جمهورية لاو الديمقراطية الشعبية

الزيارات الميدانية التي يقوم بها البرنامج

جدول أعمال الاجتماع ووثائقه


The WFP Board members visit Lao People's Democratic Republic from 7 to 16 September

The purpose of the visit is to allow Board members to:

  • provide exposure to WFP’s regional strategy and capacities based in the Regional Bureau in the context of “Fit for Purpose”;
  • observe WFP field operations within a development context;
  • observe WFP as a partner to the Government; 
  • observe WFP as a partner in the United Nations country team, including collaboration with the Rome-based agencies (IFAD and FAO);
  • provide insight into the implementation of WFP policies and strategies in the field;
  • study programming and programme delivery including M&E; and
  • discuss the impact of WFP programmes with government and non-government counterparts at all levels.

Visiting teams will in particular study

  • the approaches adopted,
  • the decentralized management of WFP operations in the field including the consolidation of sub-offices and embedding of WFP field staff within government district offices and
  • responses to emerging issues and changing situations.


Related report:

تقرير عن الزيارة الميدانية التي قام بها المجلس التنفيذي للبرنامج إلى جمهورية لاو الديمقراطية الشعبية

Meeting Agenda and Documents


The WFP Board members visit Lao People's Democratic Republic from 7 to 16 September.

The purpose of the visit is to allow Board members to:

  • provide exposure to WFP’s regional strategy and capacities based in the Regional Bureau in the context of “Fit for Purpose”;
  • observe WFP field operations within a development context;
  • observe WFP as a partner to the Government; 
  • observe WFP as a partner in the United Nations country team, including collaboration with the Rome-based agencies (IFAD and FAO);
  • provide insight into the implementation of WFP policies and strategies in the field;
  • study programming and programme delivery including M&E; and
  • discuss the impact of WFP programmes with government and non-government counterparts at all levels.

Visiting teams will in particular study

  • the approaches adopted,
  • the decentralized management of WFP operations in the field including the consolidation of sub-offices and embedding of WFP field staff within government district offices and
  • responses to emerging issues and changing situations.


Related report:

- Report on the Field Visit to the Lao People's Democratic Republic of the WFP Executive Board