Board room on the first day of the Second Regular session of the Executive Board. Photo: WFP/Matteo Minnella
Mr. Philip Ward, Secretary to the Executive Board greets delegations attending the meeting. Please credit: WFP/Matteo Minnella
In the photo: intervention by the delegation of Zimbabwe. Please credit: WFP/Matteo Minnella
In the photo: intervention by Mr. Yves Francis Guinand, Counsellor and Alternate Permanent Representative Switzerland. Please credit: WFP/Matteo Minnella
Intervention by H.E. Ms. Berioska Morrison Gonzalez, Minister Counsellor and Alternate Permanent Representative of the Dominican Republic. Please credit: WFP/Matteo Minnella
Intervention by Intervention by the delegation of Chad. Please credit: WFP/Matteo Minnella
Intervention by the delegation of Switzerland. Please credit: WFP/Matteo Minnella
Intervention by the delegation of France. Please credit: WFP/Matteo Minnella
Intervention by Ms. Claudia Gonzalez Toledo, Alternate Permanent Representative of the Cuba to the Rome based agencies. Please credit: WFP/Matteo Minnella
المجلس التنفيذي هو الجهاز الرئاسي الأعلى للبرنامج، ويتألف من ست وثلاثين (36) دولة من الدول الأعضاء في الأمم المتحدة أو الدول الأعضاء في منظمة الأغذية والزراعة، ويتولى تقديم الدعم الحكومي الدولي للبرنامج، وتوجيهه سياساته، والإشراف على أنشطته.